Earth Day is an opportunity to celebrate the earth by taking action. By choosing, every day, to make small gestures that contribute to the protection of the environment.

Choosing KALŪ is a way to reduce waste and opt for local ingredients.

Likewise, this week, we contributed again to the Planetair Québec-Nature portfolio, in order to offset 100% of the greenhouse gases associated with the delivery of our products to the warehouse, through certified credits. Gold Standard. Then, through the choice of this portfolio, we contribute to reforestation projects in Canada that help mitigate the impact of climate change.
We are proud to take action every day, with your support.

Find out a little more about Planetair and the Mixed Portfolio - Gold Standard credits and Quebec projects - Gold Standard certified projects -

Each ton of greenhouse gases is offset by a Gold Standard certified credit included in the Planetair Mondial Portfolio. This portfolio is made up of various projects, all Gold Standard certified, which make it possible to neutralize GHG emissions in a real, additional, transparent and verified manner.
Gold Standard carbon credits are the best credits available on the market for the voluntary offsetting of GHG emissions. Credits come from various types of projects (wind, solar, energy recovery, etc.). The climate benefits of these projects are immediate unlike those of trees, which can take up to 70 years to capture a ton of carbon. With the climate crisis accelerating, we don't have the luxury of waiting all these years to offset the greenhouse gases we emit today.
Projects are certified by independent auditors as meeting the rigorous requirements of the Gold Standard. The Gold Standard notably requires that projects contribute to at least three UN Sustainable Development Goals, including Goal 13, which relates to the fight against climate change.