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Protéger son chien en hiver : attention aux engelures et à l'hypothermie
Protecting your dog in winter: watch out for frostbite and hypothermia Did you know that your dog can suffer from frostbite at just -6°C? Many people believe that only extreme cold is dangerous, but relatively low temperatures can cause invisible damage. Learn to recognize the warning signs to better protect your companion.
Où Faire de la Randonnée Hivernale avec Son Chien? 7 Endroits à Moins de 3h de Montréal
Where to Go Winter Hiking with Your Dog? 7 Places Less Than 3 Hours from Montreal Explore 7 dog-friendly parks this winter, where you can enjoy hiking, fat biking, and snowshoeing while discovering the beautiful Quebec landscapes. Enjoy the winter delights with your four-legged companion!
Éviter l'Ennui chez le Chat avec 5 Idées pour le Stimuler au Quotidien
Preventing Boredom in Cats: 5 Ideas to Stimulate Them Daily Keeping your cat entertained indoors doesn’t necessarily require large investments or complex setups. With a bit of creativity and the right resources, you can turn your home into a stimulating and enriching play space for your feline — even during winter when outdoor outings are more challenging.
Les Bienfaits des Omégas 3 pour Chiens et Chats : Tout ce que Vous Devez Savoir
Les Bienfaits des Omégas 3 pour Chiens et Chats : Tout ce que Vous Devez Savoir Les Bienfaits des Omégas 3 pour Chiens et Chats : Tout ce que Vous Devez...
Quelle Quantité de Gâteries Offrir à son Chien ou son Chat?
How Many Treats Should You Give Your Dog or Cat? Knowing the right treat rations for your pet is essential to ensuring proper weight and optimal health.
Conseils pour Adopter un Chien: L'histoire de Sunshine
How Sunshine joined our family Adopter un animal est un parcours complexe qui aura un impact considérable sur de nombreuses années de votre vie. Se poser les bonnes questions pour adopter le bon compagnon peut tout changer!
Guide pratique pour sélectionner la meilleure nourriture pour vos animaux de compagnie
Practical Guide to Selecting the Best Food for Your Pets Dogs and cats are important members of our families, their health and well-being are a priority for us. One of the most crucial decisions we make as pet owners is what to eat. In this article, we'll look at the important things to consider when choosing kibble for your four-legged friend.